Sunday, December 30, 2007

Old Toys: Childhood Memories

I've always reminded myself not cling on material things too much. Not only because I could never bring them with me when I die, but also, most of these things prevent me from giving attention and focus to things which are really important and significant.

A few weeks back, I started cleaning and disposing a lot of things from our house. Most of them barely useful to anyone at home, some decomposing, some just collecting dust particles. My personal things were no exception.

Starting with some of my childhood toys, they are not those which can be considered as collector's items. But it seemed that I was able to keep them for a very long time. Not due to their financial value but probably due to their sentimental value.

Some of them were given to me by my grandma, some by elementary friends, some bought from a different country but was never used. But one thing is common, all of them had once made me happy as a child.

And now, I think it is time to let others experience that happiness. I gave them away hoping that it may put a smile on some child's face somewhere.

I never experienced having a lot of cool and expensive toys when I was a child. Although I envied my cousins and classmates for having those toys, I learned to be contented and happy for what I have or I don't have.

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