Monday, June 04, 2007


The dermatologist confirmed this morning that I've got cold sores.

According to some web resources,
it is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1 or HHV-1).

I was worried when I first found out.
That's because I immediately associated it with STD.
Maybe it's just the word "herpes" that sounds scary.
We usually hear people crack jokes about it.
Making it more scary and embarrassing.

But after I've read several articles about it.
I came to understand it more and realized that there's
more to it than what some people would know.

HSV-1 is just one type of the 8 human herpes viruses.
Chickenpox (HHV-3) is also one of them.
The virus is very common, some people might already
have it, it is just that the virus have not yet manifested
itself. It's also contagious when it is active.
Shared eating utensils, razors and towels may spread this infection.

Unfortunately, like common flu, there is no cure for the virus
and it is also recurring near the place of original infection.
After the primary infection, the virus will stay dormant.
As long as your immune system stays strong or until you
crack or injure your lips.

This site provides good information
about herpes viruses.

Since I'm having cold sores right now.
I've decided not to go to the office for a while,
in order to prevent myself from infecting other people.

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