Sunday, April 01, 2007

The PhilNITS SW Experience...

April 1, Around 6AM...
Mobile phone alarms...

It was time...
And there's no turning back...
It was difficult to get up...

6 hours of sleep may never be enough,
for today's exams...
I even dreamed about the last problem,
I left unsolved last night...

It wasn't a good sleep,
But I have no other choice...
I did what I could...
For a month of preparation...
6 review sessions w/ my mentor...

I may be prepared,
But I don't think that I'm ready...

I felt that I was dragging myself to the exam site...
Probably because it's one of the few times,
that I am afraid to face failure...
Pride is at stake...

When I reached the exam site,
met with my mentor,
Had some last minute scans of the past exams,
And later found out that only 15 are taking SW...

15... pretty small group indeed...
12 of them from ADTX...
The other 3, Jeff, Sir Melvin and Me.

Those ADTX guys were really intimidating...
Not only because some of them had already passed
the mock exam a year ago...
Also because it seems that everyone is confident
of passing the exam...
Plus the mere fact that on the average,
they were able to finish the exam more than
30 minutes ahead of us...

My mentor had the same feeling as well...
Not so likely of him...
But it does show that we're still...
more "human" than "geek"... He he..."

The exam took 2 1/2 hours of my morning
and another 3 1/2 hours of my afternoon...
It was really exhausting and draining...
Not to mention the really hot temperature
while we were on the way home...

On the brighter side...
I can focus on my Nihongo classes now...

Exam results won't be out for another 30 days...
Until then, I won't be expecting anything... :)

I would like to thank my mentor for sharing
his time, resources and knowledge with me
during our review sessions.
I'm really grateful for his willingness to help
and share not only for the exam but for other
things as well...

Thank you sir. God Bless... :)


WS said...


dsl を しったらどう?


Anonymous said...

so did you passed the exam?