Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sleeeeeepy and Tired...

Day 7... nakakaantok talaga sa office...
I bought a 300ML Diet Pepsi Twist for 110 Yen.
Hindi ko na talaga kaya yung antok eh.

I still have a lot of things to do today...
Our Japs had already set a deadline for us...
we must be able to complete all test sequences
before next Monday, even if we have to go to
work on Sunday... =(

I'm not really much of a help in their testing...
I think those two can handle things well.
So I will just focus on my code review tasks and
monitoring tasks. Hindi ko kasi modules,
so medyo mahirap pumapel.

Atleast testing is doing good to day.
We are almost done with another sequence.
2 major ones to go.

Hopefully, we can go home a little early today,
maski 10PM lang solved na sa akin.

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