Sunday, January 20, 2008

Plastic! Plastic!

I'm sorry but this is not going to be a declaration of hatred for somebody. This is a post about my never ending battle against dirt, dust, and disorganization at home.

Recently, I've started buying some small plastic containers from different branches of ACE hardware. I had to check the other branches because it seems that someone else is hoarding those plastic containers that I need.

Anyway, here's what I've done so far...

This is one of the first containers that I've bought, it contains some of the original audio compact discs that I've bought. Unfortunately, I could no longer find the same model in any of the ACE hardware branches nearby. :(

In place of the long container, I opted for a smaller container with a carrying handle. Since it's smaller, I had to place each of my CD's and DVD's to a sleeve which I purchased from CDR-King, so it won't occupy too much space.

For the tiny stuffs, I bought a container with dividers to segregate the items. I also bought 2 more for my mom, 1 for the medicines, the other for the beads.

For my LEGO pieces, I got this medium-sized container, enough to hold 4 liters of water. I have 3 more of these, 1 for my souvenirs, 1 for my mini 4-wheel drive units. The other one, I'm still thinking of what to put in it. :P

One thing you would really find nice about these plastic containers is that they look very neat when you stack them together. :)

The wonders of plastic containers... :)


Last night, Bert gave me a link to a funny YouTube video. With some googling, I ran into Renaldo Lapuz's Official Website. It seems that this guy is gaining popularity, really fast.


メッツ said...

hehehe. ikaw pala ang oc. =))

pero inggit naman ako sa plastic containers. :P

jasmine said...

monk! =))

jeson walalang said...

wala bang mga ganyan sa tutuban or sa divisoria? lam ko mas mura dun.

hehe just my 2 cents. :p

Unknown said...

out of way eh... isa pa hindi siguro ganun kaayos yung pagkakagawa... :P