Thursday, September 20, 2007

Things to Miss: Friends

It's been almost a week since I've left...

I can't seem to find time to put some new posts. Probably because I'm still adjusting to my new job... :)

I left our "office" around 3:30 today and spent around 30 minutes in Park Square and Glorietta before heading home. I arrived home before 6, and realized that it has been a while since I was able to get home before 6PM... :(

Finally, I have the chance to put some updates... :)
This should have been posted weeks ago. I just got so busy, too busy... :(


To end my series on things in NSP that I would miss...

This is a post dedicated to everyone who've been a part of my NSP family. If there's any reason why I've managed to stay happy in NSP, it's them.

I may not be the most popular one. I may not be the most loved one. But indeed, I was able to feel that I am important to them. And I'm really grateful for that.

Every single story, and every single laughter that we've shared is a treasure worth remembering. I would surely miss those times. *Sniff*

To my friends, thank you for becoming part of my life, and thank you for allowing me to become part of yours.

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