Sunday, February 03, 2008

Me and the Gym

2 weeks ago, I had a short gym misadventure. It all started when a gym recruiter outside Robinsons Summit Center called my attention. She asked a couple of questions and invited me to check out the Fitness First Gym in their building. I told her I'm in a hurry and if it is possible to visit on a different time. She agreed and took my contact number.

The following day, she called me and asked me if it is OK for me to visit their gym that afternoon. I was planning to meet Juhl with some of my college friends that evening and I thought it was a good idea to kill my time there. So I agreed and scheduled the visit.

I also asked Jas to join me. I picked up Jas after work and proceeded with my scheduled appointment. After a few minutes, the recruiter came with a client information sheet and started asking a lot of "weird" questions, which, frankly, are actually difficult to answer. :|

After the initial survey, she gave us a brief tour around the gym in order to show us their facilities and equipments. Then we went back to visitor's area so she could show us the plans and their "bogus" pricing scheme.

They even have this "first visit promo" where they would slash around 5-6k from the fee. Which actually sounded really nice. But I'm not stupid to fall for that. :P

Why would they pump up the prices unreasonably in the brochures if they would mark it down drastically anyway? She even tried to scare me that they won't be any discount on my next visit. Ha ha ha... I could always go to another branch and tell them that it's my first time, and I will get the so-called "discount". >:P

I declined to join the club, and after realizing that she's going nowhere, the friendliness shown to me before immediately turned into an obvious disgust and coldness. Somehow, I knew that was coming, after all, it was quite obvious during our conversations that she's not truly interested and concerned in my health. >:P

Going to the gym might actually be helpful for some people, but it's NOT the only way to have a healthy body and lifestyle. Not for me, at least.

After the visit, I made a couple of observations and realizations. First, the gym is crawling with "out" people, some are members, some are recruiters, some are even the trainers, how worse could it possibly become. No, I don't hate them. But I'm really not comfortable with them, specially when some "guy" calls me "cute" or "pogi". :(

My other concern would be sanitation and hygiene. Just imagine how many people are sitting on those gym equipments, sweating, excreting bodily fluids while working out. And of course, those fluids won't just evaporate to the atmosphere, they would settle in the equipment itself until the next unfortunate person uses the equipment and acquires whatever liquid is lost from the previous user. Uuuuh... (I'm sounding like Adrian Monk). He he... >:P

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